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Trying to focus on dreams worthy of pursuing and keep yourself from getting discouraged. It can be hard to find that balance between hope and delusion, to stay away from despair but also keep from fooling yourself. Sometimes a healthy dose of fantasy is just as important as reality and sometimes there is the temptation to relapse into the same damned dreams.

Worthier, Worrier, Warrior

Shunting negativity to one side of my skull
Reloading reveries as fantasies unfold
Surgical splint to keep arteries of serotonin flowing
Artificial levity to sever the severity of this gravity
We've been sailing with angels
Setting the edges of galaxies ablaze
Making alive a love once pixelated
Casting a wide net out into these skies
A celestial resplendence of cascading silhouettes
Blacked out realities redacted
Now pulled back into this gravitational lens
Bent but not forgotten, broken but not bereft
Drowning in oceans of complacence
Growing in soil not my home
Dour sour bitter remembrance
Of a love that was not my own
I put the pieces in the mirror
Through the glass so darkly peering
Now I struggle through the ether
To find a place I can belong
Delving deeper into overdoses left comatose
Trying to find an un-deluded mixture of hope
To see this through until I've cleansed my heart
To see this through until I forsake the rope
Crystalline horrors fracture like memories
Vague voices crowd my head now
Rubber-banding back and forth between these melodies
And how these bestial wolves howl
Ouroboreal self-cannibalistic void
A nihilistic statistic desperate to avoid
Still living under the pretense that love is not a myth
With no earthly clue of if it's true or how the hell to find it
Shifting the contents of doubt
Shipping off to stormy shores
This atmospheric correspondence
Fallen on neither lips or ears
Broken promises weighted with infinite potential
Caught up in a whirlwind of regret
Storms shattering ships with tempests torrential
Dragged on the shoals of loneliness
We've been dealing with demons
Setting the sacrificial circle ablaze
Making alive a dream that's worth the waiting
Casting a spell completely undisguised
Shilling this self-same neural routine
Formula flashing every star in my brain
Endorphins painting pictures of a prison escape
Bearing your name these constellations remain
Last will of a wandering mind
Lost love of the worthier kind
Built different in a world insincere
A heart chamber still collapsed

Forced kill of a future divined
I'd re-throw these old bones
If you changed your mind
I'd gladly still relapse
Gasping synapses coalesce along the edges
Flowing like ocean waves breaking titanic missives
Indulged in dreams that always end with kisses
Doors of perception leave me sacrificially sinking
We've been sailing on eggshells
Out of the moments that haven't gone
I will make alive a place I can survive
To see this through until I'm not alone

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