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You are a star forever blooming
A galaxy unfurling
Super nova looming
A glowing cosmic rarity

Your beauty incalculable
With cleverness and strength
Seeds of perspective once buried
Nurtured now by inner light

What I'd give is infinite
For a chance to chart those stars
Navigate the waters
New constellations drawn

With my surrender immediate
To the colors of sky
Sunset kissing the clouds
As day gives way to night

If for just one moment
I could turn your gaze
But with your feelings clear
That is not my part to play

If every star in these oceanic skies
Was a wish that I could make tonight
Every wish would be the same
For you, every single star would shine

I wish you luck as you go sailing
Set out on that stellar sea
To find your fate and your adventures
Every day a brand new start

Let your beauty spark the thunder
Bring the summer rains that last
Let your soul move out from under
The shadow where it once did rest

You will heal and you will laugh
Until contentment is in your grasp
I only wish that you be happy
That you are set free from the past

And to remind you to touch the stars
Remember who you really are
Let your own happiness become a guide
And never underestimate yourself

Though my love remains wholehearted
It is a timeless losing cause
I cannot help but catch these wishes
And send them sailing ever on

Maybe I can keep those bright stars shining
A promise whispered in the dark
A missive to always keep your chin up
And never ever give up

Photo Credit: Sami Abdullah, PEXELS,

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