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The Vampire's Kiss

Brought before the elders
Anchored here
Seeking the vampire's kiss

Chained by fragments of lust
Abrasive diamonds
Burning agony inhaled by lungs

A self-inflicted poison
Taken in micro-doses

With eyelids shut and heart open
Tied to a barren future

Erosion splits those atoms
Delineating truths
With resonance cascading

Schrodinger's remorse
Beguiled by a shelter still refused

Now dwelling in shadows past
Old Fezziwig and dance

With delicate occult encryption
Magic inked
I paint myself with colors cursed

Weaving out of this delusion
A self I barely recognize

Sanguine falsehoods reconvened
Congressional remorse
And constellations hastily rejoined

I stand before the mirror flushed
Manic yet mannequin
To stab myself with plastic teeth

Stark rejections of modernity
I state my case
In places where craven images abound

With new takes on original sin
And graven effigies carved
Made to cradle all its novel kin

A promised land I built of old regrets
Never bitten by the bug
Or the contagion of this destiny

So I am bound to past illusions
Volunteering wearily
Self-hypnotized, all up in knots

Self-sacrificial in my madness
With hungry mouth
Seeking the vampire's kiss

The Vampire's Kiss

Image is AI generated using Wombo Dream AI App

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