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Unwanted memories or mistakes we've made can often make it feel like an entire path we took or way of thinking was wrong. What if we could go back and erase ourselves from the minds or lives of others we have hurt or who have hurt us? Can we suppress our desire to run from our past and actually face it? Is it possible we destroy our future by being trapped in the cycles of our past forever?

This is a weakness

I think I need this

Going in circles

That's how the pain grows

Trapped in these cycles

Now that I feed this

Silence between us

I create the shadows in my mind

This is artificial

Synthetic screams

Tearing my throat

I remain afraid

Just mimicking what it means

Isolate to self-annihilate

Rapidly progressing

Put my hands on this disease

Trapped in this hell

The music swells

And I've already got my lips pressed

Hands around the throat of self control

This is so antagonistic

I'm the villain

Misery the business

With these impulses winning

Ink this in my bloodstream

Continental subduction of these fault-lines

With energy left for one betrayal

Narcissistic I still choose myself

This isn't cryptic

I'm still left tripping

And loving you despite

You without a dog in the fight

Until silence stays my native tongue

An ending spoken by these tired lungs

Wouldn't it be less painful

If it never fucking worked

Feelings rubber banding

So I'll make this an ending

Already a stake through the heart

Keep it never beginning

So let's make this a trilogy

Mind, body and soul

Expedient evaporation

Nothing to be examined

An atomic accident

Anatomically absent

Anomalous affect, we've never met

I've had no fucking influence

This is a wave collapsed

Strung with Schrodinger's rope

A final fucking dual slit experiment

I remain an untangled particle


Art generated by AI (WOMBO DREAM)

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