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Unforgotten Stars

Inspiration can feel like another world, an inner fire, pulling at us from some deep unspoken place. A primordial realm where we walk beneath strange stars. It can be tempting to stay there, to escape the real world instead of finding our way back. To those that have seen that place there will always be something familiar, some dream-like memory of another world calling to us...


I've seen that sacred place

Plastered on the inside

Slathered on the other side

Of my unlit eyelids

That secret long since lost

The essence of a home

Beneath the canopy of trees

The waking mouth of stars

The moonlight walking through the leaves

Tell me this isn't in your veins

A poison of forgotten love

Of a place you could always call your own

A face unforgotten

Forsaken by the enemy

Unconditional un-begotten

No ancestor and no progeny

Whispered through the windswept plain

I find myself falling in line

With the footfalls of a mystery

A detailed devil so divine

A respite I was seeking here

Following trails I dare not follow

To conclusions leaping without fear

Hoping to find them hollow

Hoping I might see you near

And by your presence be honored

A memory worth wandering

And the safety of a fire

These forest streams that bring strange dreams

The loose lips of babbling brooks

Telling tales of temples and ancient things

Buried in the desert

I've seen that carving once before

Making marks here in my mind

Winding paths of neurons flash

I only wish I had the time

To lag behind and fall in line

With ragtime step and this enchantment

We wouldn't want the swamp to talk

Or get the wrong idea

A legend implanted this longing

Knowledge is a curse

Curiosity is calling me

Dragged across this Earth

A tidal wave cacophony

Velvet fire blacking out

Stars cascading into caves at night

A sure sign that things are ending

How I'd love to linger

Rest my weary bones beneath this shrine

But so many have given up hope

So many have waited here and died

I will touch the roots below me

Dig down with prayers deep

Set the wolves above my head to howling

And brace myself against the rushing of the waves

The erosion of this heartache

I know that I can find this machine

I've had these dreams a million night times

I've felt the calling on the breeze

I will wake to faces unforgotten

Beneath the canopy of trees

The righteous stars set in their constellations

And one of them will think of me

Photo Credit: Oleg Magni (

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