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Staring into spirals

Dreaming of different clockwork

Glassy under the surface

Onyx staircase

Obsidian cities


Unfolding in colors

Bold and unrepentant

Ultraviolet love

Beginning to see

To touch the rain

And gather in the silent places

A tower underneath us

Reaching up

A secret kept at arm’s length

Now achievable for both of us

Entangle us

With hungry atomic shadows

Pressed against this

Passionate remembrance

With reverence like a flag still flying

Freedom on the rise

Dousing this with chemicals

An effigy of you and I

Watching these rose colored flames

Lifting off into the sky

Never a more righteous thing

Than building the bridge between

An architect of ancient cities

Remnants of my heart

Ruins once abandoned

A darkness in these roots

Drag me, tsunami, tidal wave

Into the open air again

To feel your lips

And taste a love that never fades

Renew this old refrain

Exhume a self I’d laid to rest

A hope that had been devoured

Now reawakened

Falling quickly

Against these ultrasonic hues

These endless kisses

And repetition to thank you

To resurrect a dented gentleman

Your mission if you choose to accept

Reaching up

Unfolding in colors

Ultraviolet Love

Photo Credit: Amanuel Flores, Pexels,

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