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Tidal Silence

Sometimes we look at the world around us, and the world within us and wonder whether things have gone too far to save. Is there any reprieve from the madness of the world we've created? Even as things shut down around us in crisis the clawing forces of that endless miserable machine seem to want to crush any chance for the situation to result in real and necessary change.

Internally broken but compelled to obey, our instincts are to betray the ancient fire that burns beneath these artificial shackles.

Tidal Silence What I wouldn't give To stop the ebb and flow of voices The anger in my heart These endless tidal forces This oh-so-anxious silence The violence oh-so-still A violation quiet mutilation Mask self-destruction's here Another retreat under closed eyelids Make it stop for just one day One moment's peace made impossible By the crashing of these waves I'd seek solace in the skyline The horizon's ever-present call If there was somewhere worth running Someone who understood it all Chase wisdom to find indifference The weather's constant fall The tilted Earth a twisted Mother Now polluted and so scorned Post-modern industrial We're so far past the peak And in falling from the pinnacle Our faults so deeply speak What I wouldn't give To see you standing here To save these highs and deep goodbyes Find meaning in embrace How could we have forgotten We are the ancient gods The fires that we started Got lost in this control This oh-so-anxious ownership Follow the paper trail Into horrors with stories never told A monster that knows no end And here at the end of all things I've caught the consumption too For in what's left of all my love I can't let go of you

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