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Thus the flower bloomed...

Not everything precious is ours to keep. Not every flower was meant for us but that doesn't mean we can't help water it and make it grow. When catching a star it might be tempting to keep it for yourself, but it's light will never shine and bring life to other worlds.

At Last, Dawn

I saw the light

Alien and remote

And I was cut off

By glass and smoke

The mists moved

A spirit over deep waters

An animal at rest

Alone at the river's edge

A sudden inflationary ripple

Riddles in the dark

Solutions subtle not always simple

Subduction due to elusive cause

That icy demeanor

So far from being thawed

Signal coming in clearer

A machine with such cleanly woven parts

The spectacle of surging waves

Rivers of suffering

Arcing bolts of down-tuned thunder

Sent into cast-iron eardrums

I sought to stir that light

Awake both beast and heart

But know that path is perilous

Fraught with dangers in the dark

Disturb one fragile flower

One friendly ear with petals bent

Not seeking out this care I found it

The fusion of this sun began

There is an endless ocean

Chasing stars in this abyss

Now fearing I might catch one

And find my lonely fingers singed

Or turn upon my own reflection

To find the light is not in me

Perhaps I never was the answer

To that twilight mystery

I saw the light

And gave it kindness

And sought it's guidance

And did not touch

The mists receded

A fire pierced the gloom

A dawn had come at last

And thus the flower bloomed

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