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Through the Tempest

It can be incredibly difficult to watch someone you care about suffer, grieve, struggle. It is so easy to feel powerless in the face of the overwhelming realities we encounter as human beings. Things are so rarely within our control.

All we can do is try to be there and hope to show those we love that they are not alone. Even at their lowest point, when value and meaning and hope seem lost, maybe we can show them a different perspective. In our vulnerabilities, our imperfections, even our tragedies, there is still hope, those elements that are the best in us can shine through.

We must show them that there is beauty and value just in them being themselves and never giving up hope.

In Tragedy and Triumph

I'd pick up these pieces if I could

Fragments falling like petals

And show you an image of yourself

The way I see you

A beauty not stagnant but vibrantly alive

Like a living flame shifting spectra

With vast networks of love left unexplored

So much potential, so much time

Through the mirror of my eyes

You'd see the strength to be uncovered

Each vulnerability a perfection in itself

So many worlds left to discover

Fragile but so priceless

Broken but so pure

I hope that you will listen

Though I can't promise you a cure

My heart aches for all you've been through

And longs to draw in close

To kiss away those teardrops

And hug away your woes

To suffer this beside you

Would be an honor I'd adore

You are not alone here

If you let me into your world

Not empty, no not lifeless

Pristine and perfect still

Despite the storms that bite us

In times of tempest and of joy

For only but a moment

I've held you in my arms

And already you have won me

With a word my guard will fall

Through tragedy and triumph

Through wind and pouring rain

You've weathered so much already

And I barely know your name

I pray you don't forget me

But even more I hope

You see yourself through my eyes

And know you're not alone

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