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Stars and Stones

Where are our fates written? In the stars above, in the stones below? Are we destined for love or disaster? Our paths may seem set, but they are flexible and it's important not to become slaves to our memories or blinded by futures that might never be.

Stars and Stones

Seeping in it deepens now

Clouds that run to hide their heads

Down pathways lost they idly tread

Along ruined stones set in the ground

Names cast like spells with tolling bells

Bittersweet memories in Spring time

A tide of love then tragedy

Threads we find that unwind

In this familiar grotto

Soaked to the bone and yet unclean

Washed up but not washed out to sea

Waiting for the starlight

A city called abandon

Place where ghosts inhabit

These systems of the long forgot

Puppeteering from the shadows

Yet in this moment I remain

Caught here within this whirlwind

Reminded of a long lost flame

Of a promise worth confirming

An oath of that internal spark

A goddess to my lonely heart

To chart a course to civil shores

Hands that desire to be guided

Around the curves of distant lands

To places remembered in a dream

Past mists and kisses worth a damn

Caught up in elder blisses

Still glowing warmth with half a chance

I gently lift here by the stem

In hopes the blossom will not wilt

Praying for confidence of my worthiness

Of my future I know little still

Whether written in the stars or stones

But I know soon I must be cast from here

This valley where I am alone

Whether divided or an atom fused

This energy is spinning

And seeping in it hits me now

Though I know not what's beginning

Art Generated by AI Wombo Dream

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