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Let the crickets dance and chirp

They rise and writhe and squirm

And click and kick

In the depths of the pit

When from the depths I brought that thing

And from the pit I heard them sing

Every maggot, fly and bug

Every spider, every slug

I poured upon these profane grooves

The bitter potion I acquired

And sang a guttural unutterable tune

A chorus of unholy ire

Let the moon bring forth a query

Her hand across the waters sways

And from the bones of the Old Earth

Draws forth something without shape

Nameless, the wolves begin to croon

Ghostly, beneath the beamless moon

Where errant clouds now sit and gather

As the foam begins to lather

Memories of rotting bones

Of gulf above and void below

Of eyes cruel and indifferent

Buried before the age of men

With hooks I heave and spells I weave

The chemicals are all prepared

With ichor thick and bloody ink

I etch the runes and sigils there

Haunted eyes that do not rest

Cicada screams circadian

Longing now to prove myself

To bare my soul and rest at last

To let the hatred of this world

Melt into what was forgot

The lands and seas and cities old

Forbidden worlds beyond the stars

And far below in hidden vales

Where membranous veils draw thin

Is where I will meet madness

And be swallowed up within

For I have gone out fishing

I have caught my prize at last

Pried up from the Stygian deep

A god, a god for us to keep

Nourished by this sacrifice

These beakers, wires and tubes

Bringing the dreamer back to life

To arise from its cocoon

Let the hearts of elder things be happy

The trees may breathe deep soon

The worms and beasts will have their feast

When the new world is consumed

When from the end we cannot run

And to the pit we all return

Let the crickets rejoice and chirp

While we shall writhe and squirm


Photo Credit: Janusz Walczak, Pexels,

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