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Hanging heavy

Cities of grace

Swirling everything

Warming empathy

Swarming enemy

Intersecting apathy

Anathema still within

Writhing in words

Under ink

Submerging skin

Down avenues

Of remembrance

Dragging deeper

Into dreams

Clutching nearer

Farther fears

Mirror image

In recompense

Payment ferried


Selling bridges

Fractured sins

Under construction

To be rebuilt

Forged suspension

Gallows laughter

Taut necked spirits

Snapping back

Synthetic souls

Up in smoke

Vanished shadows

Swallowed up

Empty vessel

Waking parts

Sheltered giants

Kept asleep

Covered mosses

Ancient waves

Carving a sunset

A new rebirth

My solstice bones

A restoration

Deep pale touch

A full rotation

Spinning graves

And turning stones

Rolling saves

No uncertain terms

Writing names

With vibrant acts

A living color

Breathless tasks

Hanging heavy

Yet we levitate

Scrambling everything

Signal lost


Photo Credit: Henry & Co., Pexels,

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