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My Heart is Always Rushing

It would be more painful to forget
More empty to regret
Already holding them close
Held tight like petals pressed

Shadows launching lengthwise
But wiser men have always said
To pick the flowers from the dirt
And ne'er e'er rush in

But my heart is always rushing
The light from your eyes reaches mine
Already like gravity I'm fallen
A single spark, a tiny light

I could be turned by one electron
For you I'd settle on a spin
Solidified if a bit particulate
Your goodbyes, like waves, come in

Just a simple observation
Like clockwork we collapse
And silence overtakes us
As I lose my way again

To the cosmos I am carried
Cast away across the void
Scattering away from your beauty
From the energy and warmth

Etched in echoed starlight
Ancient fires traveling time
Constellations that remind me
Distant memories sublime

Of a singularity unending
Entanglement at any cost
A tune played across these tired strings
A unified and universal chord

I saw those nova blossoms blooming
A dream of what would have been to come
A chorus called out to my heart here
In the darkness, in the cold

That maybe on a longer timeline
I'd catch your eye and take a bow
Leave you smiling in the moonlight
Dancing with flowers in your hair

Get the band all back together
Let that stellar base-line play
Fine tune all the instruments
Until we both begin to sway

And then like lightning we're entangled
Like how it was when this all began
Before the shadows began expanding
Before all the lights went out

Before it all was set to drifting
And I shut that book and held it tight
Flowers bookmarking those memories
When all the stars were right

It would be more painful to forget you
But someday I know I must
And it's funny how they call it heat death
When it's just my heart that's cold

(Art is AI Generated using the Wombo dream App)

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