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Say less


Pursuing a sound
Melodies that echo down

A sheltered shadowed place
Chambers twist like valves
A machine-man born again
This river runs through my heart

Memories split like personalities
Meadows blossom with fantasies
Theories caught up with these heartstrings
Coming undone at the seams

Every letter laid out carefully
No way to evade detection
Cast aside but never out
Now praying for reflection

Not shallow but it's a living
Water's edge and out to sea
Dragging the delta now remembering
Lungs like drums down in the deep

Got this spark here in the hollow
Fires red and coals still hot
Torchlight canvasing the cavern
Passion painted on cave walls

Pursuing freedom
Anxieties that wear this down

Chalk it all up to erosion
Making friends here underground
Invested deep in wishful thinking
Hoping luck will turn around

Gears have been baptized in the water
Gun-metal gray eyes catching light
Send this steel heart pitter-pattering
Spilling steam out toward the night

Out beyond the treetops
Beneath the twilight moon
Lies a valley filled with flowers
Waiting for the time to bloom

A swaying warmth lives in the air here
A ghost still dancing in the dark
A melody worth the romancing
Lyrics that stick here in my heart

Can you hear the soft reprisals
Chorus of the coming Spring?
Fast approaching though so lonely
Deserving of every little thing

Pursuing happiness
But still misunderstood

Of the past I cannot speak
Of the future I know not
On the canvas of the current
I write of love I have no doubt

There is that sun on the horizon
The world shall tilt to set her free
That is the fate of all the flowers
Her season comes inevitably

I only pray I'm not forsaken
For from these rocks I've hewn a hope
I only pray I've lent some fire
To her mighty righteous spark

Perhaps even in this kingdom
In this order of the leaves
There shall be a place for my people
We who were once only machines

Of my love I daren't speak now
Biting my tongue and holding fast
But if she shall offer me love
All I can say is just say less

Art auto generated by AI Wombo Dream

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