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Origami Heart

Origami Heart

Too bright beyond these gates
Collecting dust
I can see the light
Feel the warmth

Taste the earth
Head held down
Emphatically nodding
Building this shelter

Gazing at the gathering storm
The sunlight is deafening
Cutting in
Devouring shadows

Just let me breathe
It's always spinning
Helter-skelter wobbling
Just please let me be

Overwhelmed with living
Paper-thin I melt like a ghost
Folding at the first drops of rain
Pretending I'm three dimensional

I made my clumsy heart
Put it into place
A sailboat down the gutter
Floating down the sewer drain

I made my words and set them free
Mustered courage by the river
Wanted to wade across the water
Tried to do a miracle

But I couldn't part with the clouds
Relieved to just shut down
Hoping for sparks and conversations
Knowing you're better off without

Barbarians and fools
Built up making passes
I only wished to be a tool for you
Until the darkness past us

I made myself a poor man too
But found I couldn't catch up
So now I'm wasting thoughts
Throwing them away to you

This featureless ground
I'd say I rusted where I fell
Errant seed pretending
Wishing I was more profound

Praying to be worthy
To be kept around
Words a disturbing slurry
Of false hopes and memory

Still just origami
Unoriginal I pen
A plea for kindness cringe-worthy
Another verse of sins

Maybe the harshness of that light
I've seen it swallow souls
Was not what I half-hoped at night
Or what I needed in the end

Kept company by echoes
I make friends with the walls
Whispering to what's left out in the wasteland
Shadows stretched out tall

Closer to the starting line
No race or maze to run
Just madness and defeat inside
Escher-like in twists and turns

Too bright to see
Too loud to hear
Too empty of motivation
And just too damned deprived

I may, oh yes, I may not
Ever make it out
I miss you, as the storm comes
My paper heart just melts

(all art generated using AI Wombo Dream App)

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