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Oops, All Abyss!

God you just don't know
Hollow like the wind
Feeling this again
Menace on the edge

Caught by collars stiff
With no dollars to tip
And not a drop to drink

I'd kiss the sky
And say goodbye
Already certain of
What the world might think

Better off without
Chapped and chipped
And left anything but missed

Still dreaming of a time without
Molded as a child
Filled with naught but doubt
This disbelief at easy draught

Cutting a jig
Still aware of how thin
This armor is
This weakened skin

Pieces of an ego
Worlds I never built
Prefabricated failures
Autosaved right in

Every kind word said
Not meant to sting
Not one drop of un-truth
Just a love for the asking

Beauty untold
Shining sun

Fire and ice
Weeping breeze
Swallowed sky
Swamp beneath

Swept asunder
Dunes of sand
Iron and thunder
Then up again

In manic motions
Lips that pray
Rods pulling water
Idle mistakes

Hungry brain, Oops! All abyss
The sun a singing snake
Hands outstretched still cupped
As tired wires undulate

And crown a peon King of Fools
Asking a goddess to be a queen
Demotions of the highest order
A bad habit of asking, but

Loneliness is a Hell of a Drug

(Images are AI generated using Wombo Dream App)

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