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No Notes


No Notes

Webs tangled like wires, tethered
Cut against and then gnawed through
Eyes dried out, cerebral spinning
Brain without the swimming room

Swept against the glassy sunrise
Dinged and battered but still kind
Caught between the teeth and larynx
Fried and then hung out to dry

Voices of passion still resounding
Thoughts I left reserved for you
Now grown old and out to pasture
Rent free offers standing still

Head a desert filled with habits
Circuits laid out in the sand
Hoping it would make a pattern
To change your mind, but in the end

Forgotten where I built your statues
Tripping over temple stones
Air that ripples boiling over
Pulled taut against these iron bones

Gates to Eden ne'er opened
Pressed against the garden wall
Thirst and terror in equal measure
Stars collide and fall like dominoes

In your eyes nebulae blooming
Manifest and given spin
Trembling strings left open drooling
Slack jawed from the start of things

I break in two this bread unsurely
If the second plate makes me a fool
A masterpiece before me fully
Another offer to be your tool

Chiseled from a fault-line bedrock
Straight from the boulder I am hewn
Unfit to weather beside a goddess
Not worthy to be a pedestal

Or prism to reflect your glory
Or crown that must adorn your head
A radiant but empty story
A fancy of which I convince myself

Falling for these fabrications
False witness I can no longer bear
Palpitations of a heart mistaken
Shaken by these delusions, caught

Burnt sienna dark vignette
Mouth all choked with rust
Fistful of fleeting fantasies
But bowls truly full of dust

Struck by your silhouette
Unable to comprehend
That this mere mirror reflection
Cannot manufacture consent

Of what I've seen I have no notes
Just a vague direction
To leave you be must be enough
For as ever, I am not

Photo Credit: Tayla Walsh (Source: Pexels)

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