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My One Mistake

These are more song lyrics than an actual poem (realistically all song lyrics are poems anyway), and they're a little angst-y, but hey, I'm a bit agitated today. I read it as a bit of a pop-punk-emo-screamo sort of affair but perhaps with a metal tinge along the lines of a band like Novelists or Silent Planet mixed with something like Bring Me the Horizon and/or A Day To Remember..

And all of this to pursue faults of mine, overthinking and not taking an opportunity or risk when it's right in front of me. My biggest regret is not making mistakes, not allowing myself to explore what life has to offer or let my guard down and let things, even good things, happen.

Natural State

Every time I open my eyes

Chasing shadows against effervescent skies

Congregating thoughts of escaping

Outside of this convalescent mind

You'll never find me here

I'm hiding in the leaves just decomposing

Another layer underneath

Seeking the answers that wait in silence

Such an impressive figure cut

With wonderful oppressive overtones

I used to be so lost

Until wandering became my natural state

My one mistake was never making them

In the first place

You'll never find me here

I'm hiding in the leaves just decomposing

Another layer underneath

Seeking the answers that wait in silence

I have nothing left

But these oceans of regret

Hands caught in the red

Impulses running rampant

And these agitated seas

Sinking in this disease

With an ocean in these lungs

Just dying to be free

Trapped inside these convoluted lies

Populating clouds to choke the sky

A tapestry of tragedy I have yet to unwind

Overthinking the questions to answers I can't find

And my one mistake,

My one mistake

Was never making

Them in the first place

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