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Moth Man


Sometimes our feelings can seem so meaningless in the grand scheme of things. We aren't taken seriously, our voices aren't heard, and we are left fading off in into the distance. Making sense of love and loss and anger and all of the weight of current events can be hard, sometimes it's just easier to be mythical.

Moth Man

Feelings meaningless
Man in the box filled with regrets
No source codes, just ricochets
Collide and realign to self-capitulate
These slab-like takes
Breaking off brittle jagged edges
Trying to keep these sands safe
Dream-like I somnambulate
Trying to find the ocean
Digging down I discombobulate
Disintegration but still unbroken
Kept creeping on all fours
A blood-sucking Damascus
Bludgeoning the doors
Sanctuary for the masses
Eyes like Nosferatu-jewels
But Salem's got the lot of them
Proffering a vvitches brew
But I'd let the right one in
Slurring words with Indrid Cold
Catching coughs in lieu of lies
But selling goods still top-of-the-line
Knees like bridges buckle, fold
Where'd you find a combination?
I meet the rules with yawns for help
Finding a friend in Nyarlathotep
And love a fucking joke
Passion plays now bunching up
Throat struggling to fill this cup
On offering, the stitches few
But somehow already scripted
With no vampires left to interview
I'm eating crow like words of love
Four letters each a four course meal
A full curse complete, bit lips and tongue
Prophecies you'll find this one
One last sighting of my winged cope
No point in pleasantries remembered
I'm already just a legend

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