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Is anything more misunderstood than love? We carry our torches, keep our crushes secret and even when we finally take the plunge it sometimes ends with strange memories that haunt us like ghosts. Yet even with all the pitfalls love is one of the few fires that can endure.

This forgetful and torrential fire

Downpour almost absolutist

You won't catch me burning names

Nose down believing flames

Going under aliases unrenowned

A subtly woven cloven hoover

Drawers stuffed overfull of wool

Hidden for the greater good

And what a wonderful remembrance

A bowl full of stale memories

Flakes of feelings faked

Hungry nostalgia nostrils caked



Why'd you do this?

Why'd you do this?

Make me an offer un-refused

Apathy in all that's left

Be kind not to rewind and instead

Leave me here without regrets

I'm ready to go up to your

Kindly kindling matchbox eyes

A propensity to wonder, lust

Seek soft reminders of my time

Thanks, I'll just wander lost



Why'd you do this?

I tell myself this is depression

When maybe it's just greed

Thirsty lips need deep impressions

Inhale this love. Is my confession?


(Image Credit: Vova Krasilnikov )

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