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Mist Taken

Mist Taken

A wisp and nothing else

Filled up with regrets

Fretting with the best of them

Melancholy and cut off

Shelves all filled the fuck up

With cues I've never read

And situations buried

Failures forever stretch

Friends lost in silence

Loves I've felt for naught

Voices of potential lost

Ghosts echoing in stone

Squandering another sunrise

Caught in this in-between

In these narcissistic wanderings

Between my heart and the sea

A smoldering ember, nothing else

Ashes of all that might have been

Remnants caught in bitter dreams

In sweet but somber memories

Idling, just bottling time

In repetitious circles

Yellow though hardly a coward

In cycles of lethargy rewound

Play it again to punish me

As Summer colors fade

Melodies I can't retract

The desires of my heart

Crooning I concoct a crutch

Keep this façade fucking afloat

Storing up a cosmic wrath

Unremarked upon this Earth

In sin I wished to meet you here

In folly I proffered my love

And know not now where you have gone

What business is it of mine?

What is happening to these bones?

It's been so long since I've felt fine

Riding out to meet the fog of war

Swallowed in the mist of mind

A pretense and little else

Not interested in getting better

Scoffing at a cure that comes at the cost

Of ridding myself of selfishness

Sorrows I have girded

To keep my misery renewed

Steady streams of these excuses

Refusals daily brewed

Head spaces I cannot mention

Sand gritted between teeth

Shores I thought well hidden

Steel myself in bitter grief

Wounds forever buried

These pieces never taught

What it means to make up a whole

Man, instead of ghost

Art Generated Using AI Wombo Dream

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