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Mazes and Mistakes

So much of our world is manufactured, if not by the political and financial forces around us than by our own minds. We sometimes get lost in our own heads, caught up in storms and mazes of our own making. It can feel like we're endlessly searching, seeking that one person that can pull us out and wake us up. To find a way back into the real world from these falsehoods we created...

Mazes and Mistakes

Fleeting ephemeral forecast

Lost in a Universe that cannot last

Sowing these synthetic seeds

Without a forest for these trees

And no fuel for my still burning flames

Brutal repetition, self-made heartbreak

Navigating through these dead-end caves

Of slicked back black Obsidian

I'd die for just a taste of real

A moment of your time

Lost in a touch, a gentle vibe

Just swaying with the tide

A raindrop falling down forever

Cascading through these seamless drops

How I'd give anything to be devoured

Mind teeming with these tired thoughts

Make me an altar I can't refuse

And soak my heart in gasoline

Tie me down with iron vines

And set me off, burn me for good

Just like that it's fucking dry

No leaves to spare me from the sun

It's a jungle underneath these bones

And a hungry thunder starts to moan

A single solitary comet

Careening through these endless views

A selfish sacrificial portent

An omen of a desired doom

An end to this anticipation

Apocalyptic undertow

Eschatological inebriation

Categorically about to blow

These broken clouds on brink of storming

And I ignore another warning

Just chasing these memories distilling

Love seeming impossible

Consider this my final word

Running circles in the same dissatisfying maze

I count the matter here as closed

And the love I felt mistaken

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