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Luminous Threads

It can sometimes feel like the fire is going out. Run down. Lost. The world has no passion or color left in it. It's all been worn down by cynicism, nihilism, stoicism and apathy. We're afraid to feel. Afraid to fall in love. Afraid of vulnerability. And so our humanity is seen as a liability and our emotions seen as faults. But, if you ask me, that just ain't right...

Luminous Threads

Dead set on moving to sunset
Shadows inset and moving under covers
Bleeding colors out into an aether untapped
Roiling in patterns underneath the stars

Eyelids wandering to this islet
Tossed up and still losing sleep
Find a purpose, feed it nothing
Suffocate these flying dreams

Drowned out the voices of regret
Treading the water I walk on waiting
Crashing waves with memory foam
One note to name the nameless tune

Invulnerable, if speechless I remain
Pouring on such boring airs
Choked with rain and breathing in
Refusing to admit this ends

Spending tokens of sleep
Wishing I might meet or keep
Alive but still as unaware
Unawake, as I will ever be

This pretense takes but never gives
These silver strings we cut for strength
We build these cages with our hands
And set our aching hearts adrift

Unsettled by an inconstant erosion
Airborne plague caught up in throats
Marking as condemned all those
Still consumed in these emotions

Pillars to a temple built
Impossible stones laid bare
Cut with precision, dragged and fit
With blood and sweat and care

We manufacture this consent
And burn these passions down with it
Turning away, our own reflections spent
Chasing narcissism's needle edge

A jagged world made to appear smooth
Sharper images refreshed
With color drained from vibrant fools
Holding on, deemed the insane

Beset, set upon by tempests strong
The thunder my percussion
The black sea beneath my song
Never a love forsaken

Temptation trembling in my lungs
Chambers already caving
Bleeding such luminous threads
A tapestry of agonies above me

Shedding moments like the leaves
A final moment of this clarity
Restoring rusted over memories
A worthy madness ending

I'd never die a stoic's death
A liar's heart beats in their chests
I'd rather meet a coward's rest
Than e'er to forget you

(Above: AI Generated Art using Wombo Dream. Below: Photo credit Camran Gholami, Pexels,

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