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Lash or Leash

Self-control asleep at the wheel
Buried in the kind of task
That carries only a sick appeal

Back to sleep
At arms length
Never withheld
Anxiety, the lash or the leash

Another mouth to feed
The sullen sun a soured star
Growing to consume

It has to be there
Dirt under these nails
Peel it all away
Layer by layer of fear

Far from the belonging sought
Yet this isolation is a wish
Hoping that you'll fall apart

Completion a curse run from
More selfish pursuits
Burying the lead to believe
You could never be enough

Self-deception of these perceptions
Helter-skelter in disguise
Only now realized

Convincing and conniving
A mask here down below
Receding then reviving
Depressive waves that ebb and flow

Surrounded by such living colors
Submerged in a kind of liquid
Bottomless it crowds your lungs

Pulling at the weeds
Where roots beg for the grasping
A task of self-reliant violence
Hands afraid of the asking

Price too steep to bargain
You'd find her here again
And foolishly still run your mouth

Having no other projects
Injuries you failed to mend
Friendships doomed to failure
Loves left meaningless

A wayside for a homestead
Time all for the wasting
Liminal you lay your head

Trying to convince yourself
Worthlessness is more a rule
Than a guideline after all
You're less than exceptional

Another headline swallowed
Background radiation
The static in your head now

Changing the radio station
It has to be there
For all of this self-hatred

Just another cycle
Until the waves return
To carry you back up

A whirlwind you scarcely remember
Carried in the chariots of gods
Reviving and receiving
Manic waves that ebb and flow

Deviant you fall from grace
Falling in love
Here on your face

Felling feelings spawned in haste
Sparks malformed
Shown as mistakes
Cut down by spells miscast

Rattling apart at the seams
A part to play at last
If only in her dreams

Lash or Leash

Art is AI generated using Wombo Dream App

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