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Sometimes we mix ourselves a potion of memory and regret and find ourselves wondering what might have been. There is something a bit like Frankenstein in piecing together bittersweet memories both real and imagined, thoughts of lost loves or things that never were, and wishing to bring them to life.


Roses towering
Between black stones
Sunlight glowering
Twilight caught up in my throat
In a whisper left for leaving
Hanging here at the door
Of miracles and maybes
Memoirs of one-sided loves
Cities I remembered
Muscle memory, in recitation
Never mind resuscitation
Let's just skip the ritual
Get straight to the resurrection
In tunnels I have lined with blood
The marble in my catacombs
Moss along the carving walls
The craving calls in craven halls
It whoops and hollers, how it howls
Sunflowers towering
Getting close to meeting gods
Elysian I swallow stardust
Chased with beakers caked in dust
Worn labels that have broken off
Faded, torn, in ages lost
Ingredients that I've procured
Building a coven here for you
Paint black, the rack and then the ruin
Point blank, there is no darker hue
Hallowed I have made my place here
A space where wails once echoed deep
A dungeon ripe for this damnation
To stir the sullen ones from sleep
Unrequited but my bride is
Built piece by piece beneath this soil
Ready for the reclamation
Robbing graves is my romantic toil
Speaking in these teased out riddles
Parsing pleasures from the moon
Her phases phrases mostly pleasant
Brought out with an Autumn tune
Closed in this cyclonic torment
Melodic now we make our move
Respond at last to broken bottles
Letters I have left for you
Electronic now in jerking motions
This animated digital subterfuge
Naked beneath God's own order
Laws I'd break to be with you
Fomenting this fermented beverage
Toasts to this alchemical electric
Excavate this lust eclectic
Almost time to roll these bones
Swimming in such cerebral tides
Veins alive with silver fire
Neurons now I know you've seen
The body built for you, my queen
Bewitched by a beauty eternal
I must confess to love at first twitch
Nightshade towering, overpowering
Harvest moon a gibbous wish
From grip of death to deadly gripping
Salivating at the news
Fangs still tipped, nails for the ripping
Growing in their lowly tombs
Blushing I recall the glory
A speeding heart I cannot still
Summoned here, an oath fulfilling
But praying to be worthy
Impactful pacts I swore unerring
A sky punctured by blackened spires
Devilishly maintaining fealty
To follow signs and raise you up
Punctuated, the alignment
The crying of this split rebirth
Spirits gathered for the feast
Sky above, blood, bone, and earth
Hissing gears and tuning forks
Thickened vials, arcing bolts
Vile ghouls and witches both
Witnesses to this your birth
For what it's worth I'm glad you've come
Give up the ghost to feed the body
Extraction of your mortal soul
Squirming upon the cool black stone
The quiet ruins you have left me
Silence running through my head
The devil in these idle hands
Has made of you an idol
I lay these flowers at your headstone
Rising up to reach the sun
Still colorful their beauty lingers
Though truly they are dead and gone
And in my mind I see us dancing
Memories like marionettes
Dreaming still of necromancy
As I drink through these regrets

(All Art is AI Generated using the Wombo Dream App)

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