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Fever Pitch Witching Hour

Fever Pitch

Fever pitching

Voices rising

Season for Witching

Toiling, boiling, brewing

Klaxons blaring, houses burning

Stirred up all that once was buried

Keep my heart alone and beating

Into tomes and spells receding

Tangled heart-strings steady strumming

Keeping this percussion low

A hum I'd rather not start succumbing

Caught up in a magic flow

Broken bearings restless leading

Gently but suddenly releasing

Spring-loaded chaos caught in breezes

A blue moon and crisp autumn glow

Fervor on the fritz

Self-worth still holographic

Flickering with the switch

Just hoping it might talk back

Fever pitching

Striking back or perhaps out

Silver tongue splayed

Spoon still running away

Summoning words and formulas

Familiar melodies maybe still stuck

Hoping I might be in your head

Crawling in with earworm's luck

But the odds were never in my favor

Licks that linger left un-layered

Chirping under stars replete with life

But there ain't many fish in the sky

And I was aiming for a goddess

Illness in this repetition

Madness left labyrinthine

Still dreading that first frost

Another season old and restless

Spirits stubbornly kept high

Soil left cold and untested

Ghosts spilling from this lonely mind

Covered in ink or ectoplasm

They arc and howl in scattered pieces

Crossing this uncovered chasm

Only fleeing with the morning sun

Slumber here in icy reaches

Febrile missives I have scribbled

Scrambling just to be worth speaking

Your words fallen on these sore ears

Incantations loosely catchy

But these spells were never ready

Built a house out on the Prairie

Praying to fairy-folk and fireflies

Losing the plot out on this pasture

I'm hungry for the stars again

To catch the sweetness on my taste buds

Raised up in Goosebumps by the wind

Kissed by a peculiar thirst

Or cursed

And not sure if by witches

Or which would be worse

Caught by the tail

Wishing I was worth re-telling

Cheaply I'd resort to retailing

If I thought I'd fetch a price

Angry mobs already forming

I've been casting constant spells

Trying to raise this yet again

Bewitched because you're hot as hell

Fever pitching

Forgot the itching

In fits complete with hits and misses

Unsure if I've been kissed or cursed

(All art is AI generated using Wombo Dream App)

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