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The thin veil of yellow suns

Jet black stars collapsed

Against the teeth of vibrato strings

Clinging in some dark expanse

Where silent grace like embers fell

Slicked black bleeding edge synapse

Relapsing orbits of a midnight moon

Celestial serenity's caress

Gods bare against the fractal source

Constructs left with maker's mark

In images embossed, bereft

Of spirit or resounding breath

Uplifted wings of living beings

Creatures turned again like wheels

Folded spaces, in-betweens

Spun like webs where thunder reels

In storms renowned for breaking oaths

Pacts made in hidden deepened groves

Pin lights peering through the glass

Carving a weave through chaos past

Swollen pools primordial split

To frozen fools and diver's depth

Where worlds we ferried to the sky

From under-halls and seas that sigh

And under hill where Man was made

Spurning sunlight lit the flame

And forged in these unhallowed halls

An ape, a man, an end to all

The holy divers dove no more

Windows of heaven spilling o'er

And from that perch, and from lust

They wiped away all hope and trust

Discordant strings did tempests bring

And entropy to eat the stars

A pattern balanced, now awake

Melodies all caught in throats

And so angelic names withdrew

The elder things ne'er made new

And Earth inherited her name

As Adam spake the Winters came

An age of fire, age of war

Fangs all dressed up to the nines

Descend to make of horrors fools

Serrated strands of angers cooled

A single sun upon that dome

A single song, a curse to sing

Come to rest against the mountaintop

Forgetting what it was to be


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