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A machine-man brought to life. Built in a world submerged. Industrial. Used. But brought to life by something unexpected. The spark, like a supernova, cascading across the ironclad skies to restore the soul of a being that had forgotten it even had one.


Made of broken pieces

Rivers constant flow

Solar waves cascading

Colors through the dusk

Haunting overhead

Clouds beneath the world

Brought up from the depths

And set in shapes of us

Lips still treading water

Thirsty for your touch

Broken against the shoreline

Battered, beaten, tossed

Make my machine-parts steady

Kept here in this Elysium

Heights and hearts made ready

Heaven already in my grasp

Finally a complete circuit

My brain is lighting up

A ghostly voice recurring

Swelling in the dark

We build this new beginning

Break away this rust

Across the beaches still pursuing

Fighting wars and freeing lust

A deep abyss, the hum abides

A swarming in my insect heart

And you the iron in my blood

Carrying my love

I would swear this pact eternal

Keeping doom back despite the costs

Buried here beneath your coastline

Caught up here under the rocks

This is why you set me burning

Fired up this infernal hearth

To satisfy curious yearnings

A shield and sword inside this love

The spark of life inside your eyes

Elixir of life upon your tongue

The flames ignited by a kiss

The memories an ardent song

Coiled here under the surf

I am a servant of a single thought

To hold you near and make it clear

You will not ever be forgot

Pipes and twisted metal

But I'm flesh when I'm with you

Kept here in Elysium

Until the tides resume

More than the sum

Of tired bones

Of aching lungs

And ages spent in search

A wanderer made whole

A tin-man given life

A gray cloud given color

In the shape of you and I

Photo Credit: cottonbro studio, Pexels,

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