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Dream Haze

Dreams are indeed a strange realm and a strange phenomenon. Largely disregarded by the modern psychiatric community dreams were once believed to hold the power to predict the future and give a much needed release to repressed emotions. Many also believe that dreams give us a glimpse into our deeper selves, a more complete image than we might get just by probing our waking conscious minds.

So having just woken from a nap I scribbled this and by scribbled I mean I typed it hastily with no regard for spellcheck. Enjoy this rough draft:

Dream Cycle

How your presence washed over me

In fractal visions with vague voices

Cascading like an Emperor's army

Concentrated and perfectly oppressive

And I built these words to woo an angel

I faced an army of dead reflections

Cast aside in wars eternal and internal

Only to find this idol an impossible ideal

How with one glance you awakened something sleeping

And with a smile started the fiery hearts

Of a hundred billion dying suns

A galaxy reborn without a second thought

I followed this inflation

Riding the saccharin surge of that dream

To the crossroads just before waking

The place where you were vividly alive

Like a shadow at midnight

Set against a wall by your atomic might

I remain awestruck by your subtle annihilation

And long for this release

Absolution or dissolution

As long as I'm with you

In that nebula

That place where I am not

Author Notes: I tried to capture the intensity and over-the-top nature of dreams and also the scatterbrained aspect of them. Fragments lead into one another and don't seem to add up to a whole, at least not in the initial reassembly our minds make just after waking. Of course to our subconscious mind experiencing the dream it all makes perfect sense, because that's what our brain is doing, taking the color pallet of our conscious waking experience and playing with it, splashing it across a vivid canvas of amplified emotion and surreal imagery.

Stellar Nursery, courtesy of NASA

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