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No dog in the fight. Beaten down and broken by the world and ready to accept any state of existence that seems even remotely novel or new. Chasing dreams and butterflies, flights of fancy and fantasy. Empty pursuits and meaningless highs. Willing to be used and abused if it means escaping from oneself and from ages of loneliness.


I have no dog in the fight
This empty head
Chasing saccharin thoughts like butterflies
Salted and melted down

Caramelized lungs filled with spice
Brought to bear these bare hands
Against my own porous throat
Before this mushroom clouds my head

How could I even afford this?
Self-afflicted by abuse
A body left disavowed and crowded
With the ghosts of eons of disuse

Secreting dust into the ether
Squeaking by with just an eye-full
Skittering behind the tower walls
Hoping I might find a keyhole

Leap from the precipice of pages sent
Deleted with a heavy print of regret
A fragment of a fragrance I cannot forget
Of a time my spirit scattered to the heavens and back

The moments flow like rivers
Glowering with the glint of lunar eyes
Set spiraling in the forest at midnight
Laying torches at a lonely fireside

I have no hope to call my own
Put me to the blade
On the altar of this aged crone
Hoping to be bled again

Reconstituted from dehydrated ash
A self-immolation I once thought rash
A fracture point, praying to break
Bereft of any respec' or rational escape

Dead eyes and sore tongue
Theorize that the dead have already spoken
Their piece a portent
Their silent song a token

Of a lust swallowed up and repressed
A reverie on all fours, amphibious
Locked away behind doors still closed off
Witchcraft I'd use to turn into a short-cut

I have no participles left to dangle
Particles spin with nothing to entangle
A smashing mind barbed with neural spines
Viral and overgrown with bastardized vines

I have no time to reset
No knowledge of how to delete familiar paths
Retreating into blasphemies fantastic
On how to leave this cell behind

I have no love to grant myself
No boon and no good to gain
All my eggs in the basket of words
All my love yours to give away

Pearls cast in fires mistaken
In sparks held until my flesh was oxidized
Rusted heart fluttering engorged with lust
For loves that could never ever be mine

Worn through, a thorough fool
Neither wannabe nor has-been
Cast off like a flock of fleas
This bite a barely parasitic tease

Drinking of these untapped fonts
Speaking of a deeper righteousness
How much I long to miss that mark
And land with you above the dark stars

Let us get lost in deeper vaults
Forsake the lands above
Take heed of all these promises
I swear to thee my love

Letters deleted and characters dissolved
This meadow a graveyard of stillborn loves
Of shallow flames and blades un-forged
Hope un-tempered by reality's contempt

Let us devour deeper thoughts
Contemplating constellations
Take what we need with no thought for greed
No hesitant reservations

I have no appetites or purpose
Save to seek your most unholy kiss
Vampiric fangs wholly parasitic
Smitten and thankful to be helpless

AI Auto-Generated by Wombo Dream App

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