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A Deeper Harvest

I prefer the dirt and the darkness

Hidden under, hunched

Buried in freshly fallen leaves

By the pit I'm swallowed up

Elder things of nightmare

Dreamscapes on eyelids gaunt

Eldritch hauntings howling

Whistling through the trunks

A wind whispering nameless

Summoning who knows what

Planting seeds in deepening weeds

In a place forever lost

I prefer the alien

The forgotten and remote

Beyond us lie the stones of old

Bones of Earth protruding up

Starry velvet staring back

A presence felt in time

In tune and now just puppeteered

Body and soul not mine

A mind still kept in crypts below

In hidden walls of stone

Entranced by flame and wanderlust

Still swaying to the song

I prefer percussion and melody

In colors at the core

Out of space and outer remedies

Searching for the cure

Tracked backward toward an origin

Solving mazes made of roots

Diving down to gather soil here

To harvest deeper fruits

A truth almost left to decay

And a half-life half-forgotten

Simulations of mythic memories

Turned sour and half-rotten

I prefer to run this down

Letting hunger take its toll

Surrendering to life itself

What thou wilt the only law

And in this I disassociate

I thirst for the feel of teeth

And stake this vampire daily

To make of her a deity

And return to dirt and darkness

Slaughter ego while I sleep

And in laughter wake once more

Beneath the blanket of the leaves


Photo Credit: Rachel Claire, Pexels,

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