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Dead End

It's hard to realize you're living through historical events as they happen. Everything in the here and now seems so incremental and yet it can all feel so inevitable. As we watch the society we live in wrestle and struggle with powerful issues sometimes it is easy to feel helpless in that storm. We've lost so many and so much that progress can sometimes seem impossible. It feels as though for every inch of new ground we claim the force of entropy tries to strip an entire mile away from us.

In the end our sanity and faith are price we pay.

Dead End

Sirens in the distance

Building up already burning bridges

Covered in ash down to the knees

We do our mourning and we move our feet

Marching endlessly

I might as well just choose a grave

This quiet Earth yet undisturbed

I guess I'll etch a name

These pillars shaking

Can you feel the worms beneath

Such insidious workings

The inevitable end of the machine

And a falling from such Icaran heights

Swallowed in the fire of the sun

The wind and force of thunderbolts

Summer already come and gone

Spinning endlessly

Where entropy has no sway

This aching heart

I guess we're up in flames

Never been ready for sacrifice

We spend our days to drink our nights

Covered in cuts up to the knees

From night to morning we don't sleep

I'm as alive as you choose for me to be

Slaughter those who do not comply

Last sight was the glint of a copper shield

Though there's no reason why

Bending endlessly

Generally I genuflect gracelessly

This talking heart servile

Still wants to beat rebelliously

The screaming coming out of the West

Guard close against the Winter wind

A beacon glows in the distance

Built beneath this monolith of regret

A dead end of my own design

Scrambling here in this dust

To convince you to stay behind

That I could be more than meaningless

Foundational falsehoods now combine

To steal a line my bloodline was a fault line

We're all on borrowed time

Rushing toward the death of heat

Cautioned endlessly

Licked by the fire but never freed

I'm no good at empires

We do our mourning and move our feet

( Image Source: Jondave Libiran )

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