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Hazel blooms of arcing thunder

Level me in awestruck wonder

Bought and paid for by her touch

Sinking in and swallowed up

Consumed in sacred acres verdant

Subsumed in divine sublimity

Tangled in her vines resplendent

Entwined, imprisoned willingly

Sailing westward past her islands

Setting fires though at sea

I send aloft these smoky signals

Clouds like whispers ride the breeze

To bring to her a missive urgent

A tale of an undying need

A prayer both bespoke and furtive

That tonight we meet and dine like thieves

No longer left just stealing glances

Taken and shown the seven heavens

Ego splintered rays of sun

Brought to bear in fields Elysian

The siege of deeper eyes eternal

Digging tracks across my skin

Only natural I stop to worship

At the clear oasis of our sins

Monuments erected somehow ancient

Windswept ruins clutching hope

Deserted though in this endeavor

Each clap of thunder wakes them up

With renewed promise of her sunrise

I hear her voice with every gull

Cresting waves and pounding surf

Beckoning me to sail on

Compelled to keep an oath most welcome

Complete submission, Circe's song

Kept at the goddess' beck and call

With incantations scandalous

And every weight of mortal living

Atoned for here beneath her love

While I make such subtle supplication

Knelt down at the altar stone

And spread the worship of my goddess

Picking prayers with a careful tongue

Devoured in reverent silent succor

Devoted to hymns left long unsung

Sensations seep like wandering lightning

Complete the cycle, rooted deep

And pried at last from the jaws of Hell

Harrowed and humbled lying there

Laid out upon the great green shore

Where thirsty waves lap greedily

Eroding shipwreck, rock and bone

Brought here by this unnatural storm

But I am carried out on calmer tides

Left sated by these sacred rites

I sail with her blessing, aid and boon

And hum the hymn of the consumed

Photo by Alejandro Molina:

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