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Coming Down

A poem about the pain and grief of a world with a disturbing inability to provide any kind of closure or justice to the victims of unspeakable evil.

Two clasping hands

Wrapt in prayer

Wracked in agony

Sorrow visits

Crimson divots

Running through this

Steel carried on

These thunderous wings

Such empty things

A completed mist

Thick in such a way as to make

It impossible to make amends

Coming to a boil

Remarkable as all hell

Finding blues at the bottom

Of a list of what you have left

Settled in for an ambush

Wrists already sore

Can we set aside the pretense

And just go to fucking war?

These dividends divisive

Terror taught incisive

Instinctive cowardice instilled

Where hearts are bleeding still

In the sickness of that room

Miasma of that womb

Lost in apathy

Instead of passion at the tomb

Where rolling stones dwell

No longer guarding bones

Bodies rise to have a taste

Painfully alive

Roaring waters

Rest assured it cuts through

Solid rock erosion

Is coming down for you

Ask yourself a question

Is this a path that you can walk

Is this worth even repairing

Can you even speak at all?

These thoughts add up to nothing

Prayers fall off, deaf

Gears turning, ears burning

Not much time is left

Gaunt in your remembrance

Pallet of pallid color spread

Rivers running through these

Highly suspect heads

Sea of neurons flash

Lungs inhaling breath

Yet you're not the ones

Left holding

Carrying the empty weight

A void and nothing else

A soul of shattered glass

An open-eyed abyss

Two eyes in disbelief

Holding what remains

Brought to the edge

Fleeing into grief

Nails and rivets

Into coffins boring

Choirs' distant warning

Justice is a torrent

Coming Down For You

(all art generated via AI Wombo Dream)

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