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Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Communication can be difficult, even more so when there is physical and emotional distance between people. It can often feel like we are sending out the same messages over and over again in a desperate attempt to be understood. At the same time our own journey and our own growth often depend on others as we struggle to become better versions of ourselves. We can find ourselves held hostage, to ideas, to traditions, to each other and perhaps worst of all, to ourselves.

Last confession
Lost and listless and still listing
Drowning now, my ship still sinking

Event horizon stretching
But I never have to meet the sun
Heart held out for harvesting
Pulled but never grown

Novel sense of nobility
Nominal lip service to humility
Set aside any real sense
Of responsibility

Discipline is a difficult concept
All of these self-evident precepts
Faded scriptures recited in this
Spiritually bankrupt remembrance

Last edition
No addicted additives needed
Loneliness intact without addendum

Amendments found redundant
Of lighthouses I've lit up
Torches carried
And time wasted on thoughts of love

Viral signal incoming
But I never show any symptoms
Arms held out for vaccination
Jabbed but never held again

Years spent misunderstanding
The movement of these stars across my skull
Inside of eyelids shining
Neural roots like constellations glow

Soul subducted then subtracted
Beneath layers of this soil

Seasick with eyes sore
Seeking dry land flying your colors
Treading water with lungs full
Paddling and putting words in these bottles

Friction births these earthquakes
Perhaps a tsunami might carry me
Or with merciful fury
Simply wipe me out at last

Path of least resistance
Cowardice but persistence
Still somehow narcissistic
A fool if ever one has been

Far from regret-less
Out of ink and breathless
Unsure of this message
Perhaps it's best you forget this

Effortless, relentless
Speak friend and entrance
Forever yours,


Art Auto Generated by AI Wombo Dream

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