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Bright and Blue and Beautiful

It feels like society is struggling to get back on it's feet, and as things return to semi-normal we are suddenly seeing a spike in violence. Why is this? Could it be that normalcy, this thing we longed to return to, was already broken and fundamentally FUBAR before all of this began? When we fail to care for each other, to protect each other and to build a society that reflects those values of empathy and compassion we end up in this mess where our world is full of cracks to fall through. Vilifying one another, hating our fellow citizens and blind to the fundamental issues that pollute our institutions and color how we feel about one another.

The only way through is together, the only way to overcome propaganda is as a collective. We cannot be so naïve as to think that those who want to exploit us have our best interest in mind. Until we wake up the brutality and violence will continue...

Bright and Blue and Beautiful

It's all cracks

Through the middle faded down

And we're still falling through

Trying to stay lost

The looking glass still fogged

Out of trouble out of mind

Silence still is golden

No news is good news you will find

Reminisce on these regrets

Still stalled out in my head

Spinning these wheels in mobiles

Circles in cycles of unrest

The fundamental difference

Is I'd catch you every time

Let them all just live forever

God can sort them out just fine

Let the choice for cruelty come

I'll choose coward every time

Let the call come out for dreamers

Leave the gentle their limelight

Dark vines licked with moisture

Staying tangled at the roots

Of a distant stumbling thunder

Lightning bolts begin to shoot

Hands up and cheeks soaked

Streets choked

Heat strikes and heat stroke

In a time without heroes

The truth is I can use this

Emptiness between the lines

Called potential chaos essential

To the order I'd define

Get the poison from the precincts

Let the hearts sync with the minds

Let the call come out for healing

Leave the truth by candlelight

Suck the air in by the lungful

For every moment another name

Silence is no longer golden

Violence is so familiar a face

Come down the altar

Your compliance is assured

By the Priests with smoking collars

Shielded by shining crosses

Sycophantic geese step to war

To protect and to serve man

Lap dogs licking at imperial boots

The only thing black they truly love

Bright and blue and beautiful

Cut them all down, let them burn

On camera no-knock but no lock-up

Bodies all just hit the floor

In a world where no one cares

It's all cracks we just fall

Through the middle fading down

Trying to stay lost

Photo Credit: Didsss

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