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Beneath Black Skies

Here at the end of all things...

Let It All Be Undone

A ponderous ocean of cosmic canyons
Cavernous crags reaching toward infinity
Never grasping the endless night

A black sky opened like the mouth of the void
These abyssal stones remain intact
Etched upon by those who thought themselves immortals

And so we must descend into the rocks
Toward formations of smooth obsidian
Twisting geometries that seem impossible

Vistas that bend the mind
In this non-euclidean space of cyclopean stones
This temple of madness

Swimming through the ether of eons you hear them
Calling out in recordings of dark ritual
In inscriptions laid out in undecipherable characters

Chaos had become their god here
A primordial worship of that starless night beyond
And a belief in the elder things

It was here the ebon stones were most attuned
Resonating to the labored breathing of time itself
Heat death 'ever repeating

Let the reformation of this cult commence
To stand beneath that dying velvet sun
As the Universe prepares to breathe her last

For as the galaxies begin to tear apart
As the seams of this tapestry unravel
There is but one fate that remains

Let the chanting fill the fetid air
A melody of remembrance of all that ever was
And shall be once again

The time has come to align the standing stones
See the Universe return to dust
And plant the seed of cycles yet to come

Let it all be undone
And let it all begin again
Beneath black skies

(art generated by an AI Wombo Dream App)

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