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Bells and Whistles

Sometimes we're running on empty but what happens when running on empty becomes the norm? We move, in tiny degrees, toward normalcy and what felt like making magic happen becomes the mundane. The sorcery we once felt moved mountains, now becomes commonplace. Sometimes there is no one behind the curtain, just us doing everything we can to stay afloat and keep love alive.

Bells and Whistles

This threadbare sorcery

Has gotten me nowhere

Now I wallow in defeat

Accepting these reflections

These pillars of fire

Writing my name against the wall

An inevitable macabre work of art

Forsaken but unforgettable

How could this detailed work

Etchings made while in this trance

Made in this eternal heat

Be anything but meaningless?

This infernal heart

Has a devil in the details

Putting faces on these restless ghosts

Waiting to betray this

Out of practice

I collapse into craven cravings

Amidst dark days

And lunar craters

This amateur arcanity

Placing runes in familiar places

Positions caught in undertow

And now just lost at sea

Like so much floating fire

Bioluminescent dust

Caught on tidal rivers running

A flame that's never going dark

Holding itself together

With nothing left but faith to doubt

Entropy has nothing on my heart

And order is chaos acting out

Nothing but the bells and whistles

Substance difficult to suss

Ingredients left still unlisted

Twenty questions unresolved

How you could restart this machinery

Running on fumes without a thought

An action without cause of ending

And claim a never-ceasing love

Photo credit: Riccardo Bertolo -

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