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And limb by limb
Fresher air

Caught in actions
Flying Colors
Bleeding down

Pressed against the night
Without self-control
Gasping in prayer

Out of straws to grasp
I lower melancholy strings
To melodies I dance
Hung like marionettes

Growing discordance
Glowering Moon
Spread with a vengeance
Never singing out

Made of tougher stuff
Stones out on the wall
Bones of giants lost
By a Philistine repaired

Such elegant music
Hunting the twang
Memories, movements
Stringent refrain

Passions regretted
Fantasies forfeit
Of how I'd live a life for you

Hoped you'd make me an offer
Fangs bared and skin on fire
Reflections stretched
Like the setting sun

Now I meet the rising
Wishing I might burn
Needing a new learn-set
No initiative to move

Crying out for evolution
Thumbs pressed
And yet
My tail still wagging

Tucked between my legs instead
Wishing for the hunt
Never to be released
Never to be loved

Is this what I wanted
Smoke signals to myself
Lost far from eternal
Digging holes

Layered up
Sweeping fever
Chasing but never caught
Terminally Shia

Etymologically stunted
Emotionally bunted
Six legs in the dust and
Entomologically busted

I guess it still bugs me
Wishing to be of service
Now just wishing
Barbarian undeserving

Pitchforks and torches
Thunder and fury
Caught in nostrils

A memory of a love
I have to give away
And yet
Tail still wagging

Meet me here
With fish-eye lenses
I'm wider than you know
Bent but never broke

Smoking out these shadows
I'll find a way for losing
Wishing to be of service
Now just wishing


Art is AI Generated via Wombo Dream App

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