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Autumn's Bliss

The weather is finally shifting, the Summer finally coming to a close. They say it is a time of transitions, of endings and of new beginnings, as one year is starting to reach the twilight of its life the other is trying to come into being. Love and death and life, warmth and cold, birth and rebirth, an endless cycle that shifts around us. Perhaps life and death are lovers and they will not admit that they need each other, that without both of them and the ritual they perform, the cycle of harvest and death and rebirth, none of us would survive the Winter.

Autumn's Bliss (The Harvest)

Caught in the moonlight, raven's cry

Hoisting high the torch I bare

Born on that most frightful night

The spark within I daren't douse

A lantern light a lighthouse fire

My blackened birds they sing to you

Up in your most forbidden spire

Your tower on that mountaintop

Foreboding as the forest seems

Trees come to life with whispers

I break the steadfast light of moonbeams

To walk between the colors of the leaves

Leading my heart through brambles deep

Briers pricked against thin skin

Lines of blood form scars that seep

With sap affixed to aching wounds

A spell recited to bind my bones

One look will make my knees grow weak

You've got me in the weeds my dear

Drawing me to this ancient peak

Whether Gorgon's gaze

Succubus's kiss

The sentence will remain the same

Imprisoned here in soulless bliss

Pressed against infinity

A love lost in lust and still repressed

Brought to the cusp of finding out

Buried here before the harvest's end

In Autumn's bliss I catch a glimpse

Your love carried by a vulture's gaze

A breeze as above and so below

I find myself a willing slave

Such intoxicating pain

To climb the mountain time again

Belonging to this ritual

Like a tidal ebb and flow

For who can resist the witch's call?

Circe plays her siren song

But in the forest of the dead my dear

Only I will heed your call

The violence of your vines

Poisoned veins burn so divine

Across my venom scarring skin

How I long to drive that dagger in

Sacrificial I remain

Spread across the stones of old

To look upon your face divine

Beauty as warm as your touch is cold

And in this hold where two are one

You reduce me down to ash and bone

A moment that will never die

And it belongs to you and I

So I stand here at the blasted heath

The forest dark and dead and deep

And send my raven's aloft to see

If you and I are ordained to meet

And no sooner have they sung their song

The sun is setting the moon is full

And your voice oh Autumn, your haunting call

Beckons me to fall in love

And so this cycle turns again

Frost across once verdant land

But the ash to which I am reduced

Will make the new year start to bloom

A harvest moon hangs in the sky

A testament to you and I

The veil of twilight remains thin

Allowing reflections of our awesome sin

So swing your scythe O fearsome one

O lonesome Autumn swing

For as the seasons change their shape

Of you and only you I dream

Photo Credit: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

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