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Atomic Desert Cosmic Fuzz

Today is the first day of Summer, well not technically, but it sure feels like it. And with the transition of seasons comes a mix of emotions, a simmering hidden passion, a longing for change, and memories of things that haven't even happened yet.

Atomic Fuzz

I've traversed a hundred summers

Seen the setting of a thousand suns

Run to the edge of the desert

Watched the rains bring on the floods

Never found another face like yours

Never encountered another soul

Never replaced the love I lost

There is no one else like you

In the darkness of this bombed out city

The silence of ruined honeycombs

The hive, the hub of mutant monsters

Of all the poison built up inside my heart

I've never sat at the table

Never been one for the food of the gods

No Manna ever came from heaven

No monsoon ever washed me out

But all the same I came down the river

And felt the Earth shake beneath my feet

And knew there was more to me than madness

When I saw your face I learned my name

And I guess I'm still running

Still chasing dragon tails and phoenix fire

Fairies in moss-covered gardens

What these forgotten folk call love

Dancing in this trance of sleep

As deep as dreams and twice as heavy

This is where I learned your name

And felt your power take me

Back to the beginning

Where that first atom divided

And sparked the sky will arcing lightning

Prometheus and a ball of clay

One pale face in the night forever

And a thousand ancient eyes

Out on the horizon's cutting edge

Just bleeding, wishing I was dead

I've never slipped beneath the surface

But I'm suffocating all the same

Ain't never had the strength for nothing

If you catch me drifting in

No sacrifices for the taking

Just the son rise and rise again

Praying that the summer bring me

Back around to you again

I could never forget beauty

Cause you carry it across my skies

And though I'll never get to touch it

At least I know it's still alive

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