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All Bark

Why do we continue fighting? Life seems to want to find a way, to preserve itself, to keep us going even when we feel like giving up. Is this a Darwinian imperative? A hard-wired evolutionary bent? Is it merely instinct that forces us back up after the world holds us under? Sometimes it feels like a natural tide, a pattern of being brought back to life after a long dark Winter.

Hope is a memory
Held agape
Splintered gaps cracking
Escaped gasps collapsing

Lungs ache
Tongues slapped against teeth
Finding words
Instead of ghastly grinning

Deserted lips
Twisted leanings
Learning tips
To pick up pieces

Tripping in starts and stops
Upside down
Infrequent distortions
Backwards pops

Find a place by the river
Quiet where the ghosts can't speak
In whispers or riddles
In the dark or in the deep

Written in bark
Higher than sight
Growing like weeds
Reach for the light

Find a place in the forest
Sorry that the world can't see
Interminable separations
In a once peaceful sleep

Digging fingers
Higher risen
Wisps like ripples
Ripped like scissors

Bringing broken things
Paper torn
Mind un-mending
Left abandoned

Back to life
With Darwin laughing
Turning over
Hungry cackling

Fuzzy edges
Fudging fringes
Fearing few options for
Staving the melancholy off

Gathered thoughts
Tied up in knots
And would haves
And never ever could haves

Each breath a new sound
Rhythms and cycles concussive
Immolating these melodies
In repetitions percussive

Hating the haze
It keeps uplifting the gates
Coming for a final visit
To the names on the graves

In the water now
I think it's even in the rain
A rising tide and it lifts all ships
Despite all the holes I've made in it

Making the arrangements
Hoping this coffin will capsize
But I think I've missed the forest
And forgotten my own tree

Relearn the words
Re-seal the lungs

Find a place, re-resuscitate
By sunset I'll be right in the head
No uses in forgetting
I'll be right back up

All Bark

Art Generated using Wombo Dream AI App

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