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Sometimes in life we run aground of old emotions. We may think a love or even a wound, is dead or gone only to have it return from the deep. This poem is one such tale.

Aground Forevermore

Firmly in the grasp of this

Held by warm waters undertow

Drifting inexorably toward images of you

And tidal thoughts of never was

That ebb and flow with such frustration

To be still so in love alone

Captivated by beauty

Both of us prisoners to consternation

I unravel at the thought of you

Trusted though I am to hold these

Juggling secrets I cannot comprehend

I've run aground of you again

If there was any choice you would be first

But no matter how it burns

I cannot let you know this

It would only make things worse

An island cut off

But I can show you sunrise

And guide the winds around you from afar

If only in my dreams

I would shield your beauty from erosion

Hold you on high as the paradise

Appreciated and adorned

As you deserve to be

Instead I turn a blind eye

Stick my dizzy head in sand

Tell myself that I'm not crazy

To resurrect what I thought dead

Lest I turn and see your starshine

Against that velvety abyss

And let this love stretch to the heavens

A choir of voices in the wind

I've enumerated in all the ways I can

The ocean that lies beneath

The troubled waters of my heart

The wellspring of the mighty deep

I am once more dancing

Pivoting here on your shore

Wishing I could steal your sadness

Dying for forevermore

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