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A New Creation

Out of that cryogenic sleep

The first sentient thought was one of hunger

Gnawing and unnerving in its depth

An untraceable urge

The thick miasma of that chamber

The fetid boundaries of that prismatic soup

Holding at bay not just a life-form

But a mind

Keeping at arms length a shadow

Building blocks stitched

Given life like patchwork constellations

Patterns sinking in like teeth

Out of that nameless maw

Came the first act of creation not of gods

But of beings like us

Concocted in secret

For how could things like this be born?

Congealing against that inner span

The gulf of an almost imperceptible truth

A chasm they had crossed

Long dead bones were bearing witness

As the aging machines thrummed

Oxygen in the chamber now subsumed

All consuming metabolic truth

Clutched tenderly against the breathing skin

A mind in unison responding

Adaptive synapses sparking like new worlds

Stars alight in a once dead Universe

A galaxy of open mouths

Gawping at each passing photon

Each particle a feast for newfound eyes

Projecting a now unifying vision

Out of multitudes they created one

Coalescing into organs

Meeting a world that was a gift

With tendrils sweet and sickly

When at last they met the sun

Indwelt by the oldest sin

Worlds were theirs to conquer

None were there to weep


Photo Credit: Octavio Scholz, Pexels,

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