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A Funeral For All Mankind

I pocketed the devil's dice

And looked out upon uneasy streets

Where people ran like rivers

Into the deep dystopian weeds

Slow burned and lit by street lamps

Dreamed up by folks that knew better

All this pretense of culture and decorum

Hiding masks of other people's bones

I could roll my own portents

I'd won that right fair and square

And all it cost me was the same soul

I'd neglected and left unawares

This isn't the end of history

But it may just be the end

Of all good times

And the ability to play pretend

Set us up the bomb

Networking together obscure insecurities

Fears interwoven with thick layers of lies

To make them seem like kin

Bitter pills left breaking teeth

For there was still so much to take

And the world won't pass from memory

In time for them to earn their fate

That's the thing about karma

Slowly it turns

Still lost in the romance of Niagara

The falling pretense of fairness

The hand extended out

As if to greet humanity as equals

But like the elves before us

There are those that are not as they seem

Perhaps I could cast my lot

For I have no pearls to cast

Far too few ghosts to conjure

Just worms awaiting quite the feast

A funeral for all mankind

Abandoned streets left unattended

Rotting under summer's hungry breath

Swept away and utterly condemned

A revolution never televised

Because it never came and went

The midnight hour struck

The thief's dagger held against our neck

Head already thick with smoke

Trauma thickened like the reeds

Reclaiming our once sacred lands

If only we had bent the knee

But that caretaker had met his match

That gravedigger so much to fill

The slow decline and sun-downing

And so many words now poised to kill

Will any stone still mark this place?

To warn of avarice's embrace?

A funeral for all mankind

Or shall I merely roll the dice?

A Funeral For All Mankind

Photo by Jakub Zerdzicki:

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