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Trains (Take the L)

Sometimes in life you have to take a loss. It can be hard when our feelings seem meaningless. We get caught in trains of thought, sometimes easily derailed, sometimes on tracks that go nowhere. Sometimes all our love and creativity feels like it is wasted or tossed out into the void of an uncaring or unfair world. It can be hard when all our best laid plans and best attempts to change the world for the better don't seem to work. At the end of the day you can't win them all.


Elevation, engaged in this inebriation
Evading fading memories, evaporating
Pervading polluted delusions
Mentally fleeting, protruding parading
Choices and mistakes I am making
Lately unable to flee from these feelings
Reliably relatably retreating, self-berating, still believing
Not capable of forsaking, escapist
Somehow I cannot betray this
Always on the tip of my tongue
Lungs craving love like oxygen
Serotonin lingering sinking in
Lust in concentration, lost in contemplation
Constant levitation, towards these constellations
Oceans I must keep my head above
Laboring under this sick curriculum
Learning a lesson, failing to let go
Breadcrumbs laid out on a continuum
Witch's brew, caught in wishful thinking
Iridescent incantations winking
Eliciting arcane ruminations embracing, arms
With flows that grow like tentacles
Currents ebb and undertow
Undertones pen endless tomes
Tombs to love lingual and sub-textual
Elementary desires, like electrons I collapse
My particles relapse, into orbits most peculiar
Interwoven neurons flash, synapses now coalesce
Into images familiar, these echoes in regression
Ancient fires in my skies, of you they are reminiscent
Luminescent, my silence prescient
Illuminating manuscripts
Pressing present precepts to precipices
Overturning precedents
Just praying for some progress
Left reifying pieces and principles
Vivified and vivid, though unrequited
To deify these thoughts of you, goddess so divine
The interplay of emotion and introspection
Not circumspect, in retrospect I still reject regretting this
Elephant I feel worthy of re-addressing
Cacophony of contrivances to keep this love alive
Reanimate, de-consecrate, obsess, regress to obfuscate
The sadness overwhelming self, respect
As it manifests beneath this mask
Electing now to take this loss
Dismantling my machine-part heart
A string of words to wrap this up
Recuse myself from this false hope but
Leave a trail behind, door e'er unlocked

All Art generated by AI WOMBO DREAM app

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